English Tea

English Tea

Tabitha keeps checking her phone, ignoring the frowns and judgmental looks clients give her. She just needs to keep an eye on the time today. Any other day she loves to spend time with customers, helping them to make the most of their photoshoot. It’s not just snapping pictures, as Chris used to sneer, to her it really is a work of art. She wants to make sure that the photos she takes are top quality picture, with the right lighting, the correct background, the best position for the customer.

Today is a little different, though. She still enjoys it of course, it’s just that today they are hosting a special party. She is the hostess, actually. The four of them had sat down a few nights ago, chatting, relaxing. Now that Chris is less obsessed about his Destiny, he is actually good fun to be with. She remembers him as the little boy, when he was like that too. Before the pressure and the tales and expectations turned him, and made him Mr Awkward. Now the pressure is gone, and Victoria is helping him to overcome his insecurities and social struggles, and she is doing a great job.

Tabitha actually smiles, causing the customer to audibly sigh, roll his eyes, and step back a little. Oh right, she is working…the guy must have worried she was trying it on… In fact, she was just remembering some of Chris’ jokes! He is using his wit on jokes, rather than on suspicious accusations and slipping into the victim role. She manages a little private giggle in the prop box, thinking about some stories Chris told them. Honestly, who knew Chris could be so funny? Poor Harry, his manager…not much love lost between those two, that’s for sure!

“I’m really sorry I can only finish off this last photo shoot, then I’ll have to dash,” she explains to a potential customer who just dropped in on the off chance. “I will be back at work tomorrow, so if you’d like to make an appointment, I can do that?” She helps the girl with the soft pink hair to fill out the form, starting to look forward to working with her. The hair colour will go very nicely with the standard background, she thinks, looking at the girl with half closed eyes, imagining her in different lights, from different angles. When the girl looks up, she finds Tabitha staring at her with half closed eyes, head tilted. The girl freezes a bit, and takes a careful shuffle back.

Tabitha smiles reassuringly at the girl, “Don’t worry, I was just thinking ahead, wondering which light setting would be best. It will be great, your hair colour is lovely, and will come out well against any background, really.” The girl looks relieved, and after setting a time she goes off. Tabitha hurriedly packs up the cameras and props, tidying things up, as she won’t be back till much later. She doesn’t want to come back exhausted, all partied out, just to have to hunt for her photography items.

The party! She is getting exciting now, as she locks the last box, and goes off home. She needs to get changed. “This is going to be tricking,” she mumbles to herself, making people look at her in a alarm, watching her march home, mumbling, frowning. “Whose idea was this, I wonder.” Then she grins, it was actually Chris who thought of it! “Imagine that,” she mutters, grinning, and doing nothing to alleviate people’s worries! “Imagine Mr Grouch coming up with a theme for a party, an English Tea Party! What on earth made him come up with a theme like that? I wonder what he’ll be like today… The wedding party was awful, with all of us worried about poor Richard. Then Victoria organised the party for us, after Eva was born. He was awful then, hardly speaking to anybody at all, glaring at guests, growling at Victoria… He really was the end, or rather, as Mum used to say, ‘the absolute terminus’, and he was.”

“I don’t know how Victoria managed all those years. Well, I do, of course, but she is one strong woman, and I’m glad that her prayers have been well and truly answered! Mind you, with that little rascal Samuel, I hope she hasn’t stopped praying just yet…!”

She is glad to be home, checking her phone for the time again. Good! Not much time, but enough, hopefully. She shakes her fist at Chris when she sees him, but he just laughs. She rolls her eyes, if only he knew how hard this is! What is she going to wear? She will probably need something new, which might be easier said than done. Just yesterday they all clubbed together, and managed to pay for another plot of land to be cleared, which doesn’t leave much money for new clothes!

Tabitha is relieved when she finds that the outfit which reminds her of the theme a lot, is actually quite reasonable. She finds a shade that doesn’t clash with her hair too much. She would have liked pink, but that really doesn’t suit her. It’s a shame, as the theme for her party will be an English Tea Party, and the colour that comes to mind is pink. Pink and flowers. She heard the stories of people who went to visit England, and everywhere they went were pink flowers. The curtains, carpets, upholstery of chairs were all decorated with pink flowers, often different shades and shapes of flowers in one room, clashing, and reminding you of wonderful gardens all at the same time. She looks round, if only there were pink flowery dresses available, Laura Ashley Style, with the huge hats to match, like English ladies wear to events like Royal Ascot! She twirls round in front of the mirror and sighs, if only…!

She quickly tidies up the house a bit, moves a few pieces of furniture around, and sets up a little tea corner. Stools here, tiny tables here, right…no, better over here. Tea tray on this one, biscuits on that one…Two jars I think, digestives, ugh, and ginger ones, that should do it. She stands back, and can’t think how to improve it, which means that it’s alright for now. She feels a bit worried, as she knows that some of her friends who will be here any minute now are amazing designers, with great taste and they might have done a much better job. Never mind, she sighs, and moves on, checking that there is enough food for everyone, the party signs are up…She is ready!

She spots Victoria in a lovely salmon pink dress, looking really pretty, matching earrings and bracelets, and she tugs at her blouse, hoping she doesn’t look too much out of place! The men look smart too, and then the first guests start to arrive! Tabitha is so excited, she wonders who will make it, as of course, the Sims Mobile Government doesn’t allow parties to grow too big, and even then they can shut down the party without a moment’s notice! The Renaldi family is actually the first to arrive. She is glad; she gets on very well with Bristol, and Victoria is very friendly with Kiera. She can’t believe Kiera has children, she still seems so young! Even Amara, hardly been promoted, and already had a baby. She gasps, Amara herself is here, at their Tea party! How amazing that is!

She chats with Bristol, gets to meet Amara, who looks stunning and congratulates her with her baby. The party is busy with so many friends, some of them Tabitha meets for the first time. She smiles, pours tea, chats, rubs aching jaws, keeps an eye on her adult daughters… She just hopes they accept her advice. Tabitha had sat them down the night before and had explained the whole thing again. “You need to make sure that you arrange things properly. If you don’t you’re heading for heartache. You can get married very easily, have a baby even easier, but to actually have a family, a strong steady family…well, that takes careful planning. You see, it’s almost impossible to get a Moving In Permit when you just meet a random person. For one thing, they might be married already, or have all their traits. You just don’t know, and can’t bank on it. So, if you hear of somebody that you like, meet the family, and try to make arrangements.”

The girls had both nodded and smiled, but Tabitha knows that with girls the nodding and smiling could mean anything! She is worried, she wants to prevent heartache and sadness, and on the other hand, she wants them to meet somebody they love or come to love. “Life can be so cruel,” she says softly, “and on the other hand, each day can be an amazing, precious gift, to be cherished and enjoyed. I pray both my daughters will find their days happy and full. Theodore as well of course, but somehow to me it feels different. I don’t know why, it just does.”

The house is humming, there are people everywhere, chatting, laughing, meeting and greeting each other. Then, suddenly, there is a gasp, followed by  growing silence wherever the news is received. “Vivien Leigh has accepted retirement unexpectedly!” Tabitha stares at the girl in front of her, not believing her ears. Vivien? Retired? No, no way, that can’t be! Vivien, who has been such a help to so many people, and is so needed for her wise counsel. How can she retire, and so suddenly, with no warning, no preparation?

She rushes over to Vivien the moment she arrives. “Oh Vivien, is it true? Is it really true?” Tabitha struggles, she really mustn’t cry, what will Vivien think? She might actually be relieved to retire, and have some peace and quiet, and with everyone weeping all over her, well, she might be hurt! “I just heard the news,” Tabitha continues, looking at Vivien’s smooth face, trying to figure out if she is alright about it all, “the others told me. We will miss you, really truly miss you…” Her voice is starting to do things of its own accord, and Tabitha knows that’s the time to stop words from coming out. Words will misshape themselves, tumble and flow like a river over a rocky patch, and they will sound all disjointed. No, far better to just keep quiet, catch your breath, work up a smile, until you can feel your throat and tongue relaxing and ready to be controlled once again.

Vivien on the other hand looks very composed, calm and serene as usual, with her dark eyes and ready smile. She explains that yes, it had come rather suddenly, and she would miss everyone, especially Penny who had only just had her Coming Out party. Tabitha nods, she’d hoped to have gone, despite not owning a scrap of clothing that could be considered cowgirl style clothing, but by the time she got up, Sims Mobile Government had closed down the party. She wonders briefly if Vivien’s retirement was something to do with the party? Vivien explains that she’s at peace with it all, really. You have to accept certain things in life, she says, very philosophically Tabitha thinks, still struggling to breathe properly.

Tabitha is determined to spend as much time as possible with Vivien, and she begs the others to take as many pictures of them both as possible. She can’t believe it, but when she looks over at Vivien at some stage, she looks so happy, so at ease! As if nothing has happened, as if there is no monumental decision made, because there she is, chatting, drinking tea…looking stunningly beautiful as ever!

Tabitha and Victoria both say that the rest of the party passed in a bit of a blur after that. They meet some lovely people, one girl in particular they had never seen before. Her name is Alyssia, she has beautiful hair, and came with the rest of her family. There was the young Amara, very, very pretty, standing her ground it seemed, going round lots of people; Hank was new as well. “That’s the thing I love about these parties,” says Tabitha that evening, “meeting friends, making new friends, saying bye to amazing friends…” They all go quiet at that, feeling sad and missing Vivien, as if she’s gone already! “I loved meeting lots of new people today, having tea with them,” continues Tabitha after awhile, “saw some old friends as well, I also had some important chats! I’ve seen some of the pictures…it really was a wonderful time. I even saw Chris smiling!”

She laughs out loud at his scowl, and he just has to laugh with them all. “Yes, funny enough, I did enjoy myself. I’d never have believe it myself, but I actually had a great time, I don’t know how that happened? I have never been one for parties, so not sure why this one was so different. Maybe the tea got laced..?”

They chat a bit longer, feeling a little drowsy after the long day, content, blessed, at peace. Looking out the large lattice windows they can see the new patch being cleared. Night noises come in, cheeky Samuel can be heard softly snoring on the baby monitor. That Samuel, he had a great time too! Tabitha smiles over at Victoria, and giggles a little, probably the tea? “You better watch that irrepressible son of yours… He met a lot of people, and not once did he look shy…He was quite happy to go up to all sorts of guests, chatting away, telling them all sorts…”

Yes, she thinks, it really was a great party. She smiles, looking satisfied as a cat in Spring time, thinking back over her conversation with Kiera. “She’s a real character, she is! I just hope it will work out, I’m actually starting to feel quite excited now, but there we go, only time will tell. Who knows what will happen, but I have learned to have patience, and faith, and to trust that all things will work out the way they should. Just trust, although there is no ‘just’ about it, it is one of the hardest things I have learned in all this time. Looking back on all my traits, jobs, hobbies and friendships, there have been lots of difficult lessons, time consuming events, painful memories, but the hardest of all is still Trust. I wonder why…”