

Victoria looks round the hobby room, wondering if she ought to hang the picture back. She sighs, their house needs more wall space, really. An extra room could be helpful too, but clearing land would take priority, as there isn’t enough space even for a very small box room! She grins, thinking back to the pictures she saw the other day, of the Mortina Home when Danielle and Ricardo first started the Mortina Family, and the pokey little house they had! Each generation has added to the house, cleared more land, extended rooms, or just moved stuff around. Like she is doing now, she thinks, looking at the picture in her hands again.

She finds a space for the picture, checks her phone for the time, and quickly goes to her room to change. They need to get things done today, and getting changed is her task, and it needs to be done soon, so another quest can be ticked off the list. The two men are determined that they will leave the next generation with the Internet hobby. Victoria and Tabitha are not that bothered, but they are willing to help the men with their quests. To be fair, the men usually take on the endless quests, taking them away from their jobs, even starting a new hobby.

Tabitha was a little upset one day, as she had had plans to go to a specific party. The quests had asked for party attendance earlier that day, filling up all available parties. Tabitha and Victoria had both complained to the men. “We had actually dressed for the party, I spent money on a new dress, and because of this quest we’re not able to go. This is really getting beyond a joke, are you telling us that the party quest could not have waited a few hours, just so we could go to this party? Would the whole event fail if we’d waited?” Richard had been very apologetic, and Chris had looked worried and embarrassed.

The men agreed that they would think a little more carefully about their quests, and make sure to communicate things better. At least Tabitha had been able to go to the Blue Party, where she had a great time! Victoria had laughed when she saw her outfit, all blue of course, with a funky blue turban. It was so unlike Tabitha, who tended to wear quite proper outfits, like the suit she wore for the English Tea Party. “I like it, I wouldn’t normally wear something like this, but it’s more fun than I thought! I was looking through the wardrobe choices to see what I could find in blue, and came across this. I thought I’d look for a hat as well, and the blue turban seemed to make the blue a bit more obvious. It’s so different, isn’t it? I loved the party, so many people had made a great effort to wear blue, amazing! The house was done in blue as well.”

She showed Victoria pictures of her Classy dress. “I had so been looking forward to that one! I had been planning the dress for absolutely ages, shoes, everything. Just to find out that we had no way of going. I was really upset!” Victoria had nodded, yes, she too had her outfit ready, actually hopped into work in it! When she found out that the party couldn’t happen for them she had been very cross. “I got very cross with Chris,” she told Tabitha, “I told him that I had dressed and everything to go to the Classy or Sassy Party, and that because of their obsession with this new hobby, all my plans had been spoiled! I must say, he took it very well, apologised and everything promised to make sure they checked the quests beforehand, rather than land us all in it! Mind you, there haven’t been many parties since, everyone is so busy with this event, there is no time!”

Victoria is actually sad about that. Soon, well, any day now the Gems will be handed out, and the four of them will retire. No more parties, no more dressing up, no more visiting when you want to, with whom you want to. The retirement papers came through a few days ago, always a shock! “I knew I had done lots of things, been through a lot, have an adult son, but still, you don’t really expect somebody to write to you to tell you it was time you disappeared from off the main stage of life, do you?” she had said to Chris that evening, wafting her paper at him. He had chuckled, and flapped his paper back at her. “I got one as well. I must admit, I wasn’t very happy. I felt that my life has only just started. I struggled for so long, feeling this burden of having to Save the Line, to be the one to bring Justice to an ancestor that hardly anyone had heard about. Now I’m finally free from all that, started to enjoy my self, and Boom, retirement is here! The worst thing about it is the parties. I didn’t think I would ever say that,” Chris had laughed, and stared in the distance. He kept chuckling, then go quiet, then laugh again, until Victoria felt like throwing something at him, a book, a plate, anything!

“I was just remembering some of the recent parties,” he says, when he realises that Victoria is looking round for something to throw at him. “The Tea Party was lovely, but to go to other people’s houses, to see their designs, I started to enjoy that. Now that opportunity is gone. It does make me feel very sad actually, to have regrets. I have so many regrets, you’re the exception as you have been such a blessing to me. Of course, Samuel is not a regret, apart from regretting that we didn’t have a child when we were very young.” He sighs, looks down at his shoes, feeling sad for all the missed chances.

Victoria leans a bit closer, rubbing his shoulder. She has regrets of her own. She regrets not having confronted and helped Chris earlier, when they would have had many happy years together, rather than just getting close at the end of their lives, with their traits all filled. She thinks of her quiet tears when looking at the empty bassinet all those years, and her loneliness when she and Chris had been so far apart. She breathes in and thinks about it.

She hugs him a bit tighter, “I don’t think we should think in terms of regret, really,” she says softly. “I know there is a verse that says that God will restore the years that the locusts have eaten. He has done that, I feel. Look at these last years, with our wonderful, handsome son, and the beautiful moments we have had together. We have been so close these last years, and had so many memorable times, I really feel they have made up for lost time. With regards to parties, well, I agree, I will miss them too. On the other hand, it is something that I should always miss, no matter how long I was allowed to live in this house. I think it’s one of the things that we should be content about, to be satisfied with what we did have. “

Chris holds her very tight, tears in his eyes, his voice sounding hoarse, “That’s why I love you so much. That’s exactly why I always think of you as God’s gift to me, my precious Victoria. You are right, of course you are right. We have been richly blessed these years, and you have helped me more than I thought anybody could ever help me. I was so miserable, so weighed down, felt everyone and everything was against me, that God Himself was against me. Then the sun came out, and everything looks different now, even the sky is clearer blue, birds sing sweeter, and you, my darling, are sweeter than all!”

Victoria smiles at her husband, stifling the growing giggles. He is such a star at flattering, she thinks, grinning at him, but he’s sweet. The best thing is, he actually means it. I do feel loved and appreciated, even though I feel he can be a bit over the top. Better this way round though, his coldness, sarcasm, sneering comments and looks drove me to distraction. I never knew a person could change so dramatically! There are still days of darkness, of course, days where Chris will be grumpy, or rude, but he will get out of it very quickly, and apologise and make up for it!

Many things change. Children change, and go from pigtailed staggering toddlers to tall pretty girls. Victoria looks at her niece Eva, walking past. “Isn’t she promised in marriage?” she asks Tabitha when she sees her in the kitchen. Eva looks so grown up, and seems very happy, glowing with it, making her face light up. She almost looks beautiful, although Victoria never liked her hairstyle, and she is hoping the girl will change that as soon as she is made active! Her clothes are a bit revealing, something that Victoria or Tabitha would never do, but then, once the girl has met her promised man, that could change too!

Tabitha smiles dreamily, “Yes, she is going to meet him as soon as we retire, or get the Gems. His name is Paul. They are new in town, their house is as tiny as the old Mortina house used to be! They are first generation people. Eva is very keen to meet him, which shouldn’t be too difficult. I’m friends with his mum, so I can go to her house at any time, meet the son, and call him over here. In fact, I know Richard has met the boy already. He wanted to have a proper talk with him, just to make sure you know.”

Victoria doesn’t know, although she would love to meet the future wife of her own precious son as well! Such a good idea, she thinks, meeting them first, just to see what they are like. She mentions it to Tabitha, who laughs, “Definitely! Richard was very keen, and he knew the boy a little, as he is a junior doctor in the same hospital. He has only just started, but Richard says he works very hard. He met him, and they got on very well. The boy has two younger sisters, beautiful little girls like their mum, with black hair and blue eyes.”

This makes Victoria stand up a little straighter. “Oh?” she says, trying not to look like a cat who’s spotted a bird, “Any idea how old they are, and what they are like?”

Tabitha smiles mischievously, knowing exactly what Victoria is driving at. “The older girl is called Miriam, has cute wavy hair, and is a real handful I’m told. The little girl is called Caitlynn; she has only just become a toddler. It’s a lovely family, hardworking, simple people. Eva and Paul will be the first to get married in their family, so his parents are very excited about that. I know they will retire soon, probably as soon as Caitlynn grows up. Miriam will be an adult very soon…”

Victoria smiles back, “She sounds lovely, and I will definitely have a word with my men folk. We quite like the idea of arranged marriages, you know, like Richard and I did. It worked out so well, and the wonderful bonus is that you get closely involved with friends and their families as well. How about Esther? She will be staying here, won’t she? Is she excited?”

Tabitha nods, yes, at the last family meeting it was decided that Esther would stay here. She found a young man, or rather, her parents found her a young man. Esther is the one most excited about it. “Yes, we did find her a prospective husband, a young Norse lad. Esther calls him her Viking hero, it’s so sweet! She is so happy, goes on and on about her young man, his name is Magnus. As soon as we retire they’ll make arrangements no doubt, unless Magnus is promoted before we retire and we can meet him like Richard met Paul. We don’t know the details yet.”

The dreaded family meeting had actually gone better than expected. Esther was really the only one interested, Eva having been promised to Paul already. Theodore has no plans as yet, but he is happy enough to make his own way in Sims Mobile. There are plenty of flats available, or even a little bungalow. The others were all very keen that Samuel Vince should stay. He is such a great guy, happy, energetic, kind and fun loving. He was keen too. He does believe in the Calling, as he sees it, but not in the burdened, dour way his father did. He loves his Mission, thinks it’s a fantastic challenge, and he is all up for it, as he calls it.

The others are all in agreement that Samuel Vince should be part of the Line, and they unanimously hope that his Mission will somehow succeed. “I have no idea how I’m going to fulfil my Calling yet,” he had grinned widely at the family sitting round the room, “but I’m absolutely determined to fulfil it. Maybe start a massive house for all the lost elders wandering the streets. Maybe I will start a trend of some sort, I don’t know. I’m sure I can think of something, and I’m equally sure that the whole Calling thing is going to be very exciting!”

The decisions were made, and it was agreed that soon after the Gems were received they would hand over the house to the new generation. Victoria does feel a twinge of anticipation, wondering what the next few years will be like. Beginnings are always lovely, the not knowing, the dreams and expectations… Now there are matters to sort out, jobs to finish, quests to complete. A last party here, a quick practise there. Then, time will slow down for them, they will need to choose what to wear, which is a Quest in itself as far as Victoria and Tabitha are concerned! Family photographs will be taken, and the last thing you want is to be immortalised in…in something dreadful, like a dull suit, or an awful jacket, or horror of horrors, a bathing suit! No, last days are filled to overflowing, and Victoria can feel time slipping away from her. Preparations have become serious all of a sudden!