
This is a new series based on Sims3. I decided to do the Legacy Challenge, rather than just play.

The Challenge

I can’t believe I did it. Why I fell for his talk, who knows. I mean, I should have known better, for after all, he was one of the Kraken family boys, and judging by their furniture I should have guessed. He had made an outrageous proposition, and stupid as I was, I had fallen for it.

“It will be fun, and I bet that you’ll struggle and I just wonder how long you would manage. Not that it’s hard, but you have to admit that you’re spoiled, and your family are all used to luxury.”

I can still hear his snooty voice, and see his face, looking at me sideways. Yes, I agree my family is used to living in the large family home, three stories tall and all that. I loved my parents’ house. It was large, and had all the modern facilities money could buy you in Simland. I loved watching my dad paint, or watch the neighbours coming to the pool at the back of our home. As a child I spent hours in the garden on the swing or in the playhouse. I still believe there is nothing wrong with having a comfortable house. It doesn’t make you weak or spoiled.

I’m probably spoiled though, as my parents didn’t need my income, so I never had a part time job when in school. I just played at home, went for a run or met up with friends. Being spoiled doesn’t mean I won’t accept a challenge, though! So I accepted Master Kraken’s challenge, only hearing part of his list with rules and regulations.  It sounded easy enough, and in a way I was excited about travelling away from my parents, starting all over in a new town, a new area, even taking on a new Family Name. When he looked at me to see if I would accept I nodded enthusiastically, and agreed wholeheartedly, trying to make it sound like something I would love to do, and pretend I would just add it to a long list of other equally tough challenges…

So I packed a few clothes, nothing else was allowed, got the coach out of Sunset Valley with my single ticket to Riverview and arrived there late Saturday night. The town seemed much smaller than Sunset Valley, its lights reflected on the river, the second river obscured by town buildings. The coach dropped me off in the centre, the buildings packed close together, and I made my way to the prearranged meeting point. From there the Estate Agent took me in his car to the designated plot of land that was going to be mine. It was a long drive, dusk coming in fast whilst we sped past field after field and the occasional small cluster of houses. Master Kraken had told me the maximum amount of money I was allowed in my bank account, and he had given me an address of a plot of land that he had arranged.

“You’ll like the plot, it’s near the river, in a good neighbourhood, so it won’t hurt your aesthetic feelings.” He had laughed again, pleased to have another dig at my background. “It even has a posh name, Riverblossom Hills Drive, number 345. The views in itself are enough to cheer you up!”

I had to agree, even at dusk the area looked amazing, and the houses around were wonderful, private pools reflecting their garden lights. The Estate Agent stopped the car, and we got out. Then I realised that this was it. My home. Apart from there was no home… There was a bin, a post box and lots of ground. Nothing else. The Estate Agent must have seen my face, for he told me that I could arrange for the builders to come along, if I really wanted a building. I nodded.

“Yes. Yes, please, I mean, I need at last one room, if not more. I haven’t even got anywhere to sleep! I also need somewhere to put my desk, as I’m an author, and all that…” My voice trailed off, as I tried to think of all the stuff I would need to buy to have a reasonably comfortable life. He got on his phone whilst passing on the papers to me with his other hand. He looked pleased when coming off the phone a few moments later. It was clear that the builders had expected his call.

“They’re on their way now, Mr Legas,” he smiled, watching me sign the papers. I know I should have backed out of the whole thing there and then. In hindsight, calling the builders was a huge mistake as well. I didn’t back out of course, I mean, what other option did I have? I didn’t even have enough money to travel back to Sunset Valley, and I couldn’t admit defeat before even starting. After all, how hard could it be? I would find a job in the morning, start that novel I had wanted to write for ages, and just make some money that way.

The builders arrived, looked at my finances and built the smallest room possible. By the time they left I had no money left whatsoever. My bank account was empty, I couldn’t even buy a bed. Even a visit to the supermarket would see me leave empty handed! Fortunately my mum had made my favourite food before I left, so I wasn’t hungry, and it was early morning by now.

I decided to get started with my new life right now. So I got the taxi into town (thank goodness Sims Taxis are free!) and went to the local library. I started writing a novel as fast as I could, knowing that the Lifewish Kraken had saddled me with was to be a successful author. By the time I got too stressed to write another word I had at least enough money to buy some lettuce. I bought three, planted two at my plot, and ate one. After a quick workout in the gym and a warm shower I went back to write a bit more.

That night I slept on a park bench. I lowered myself on the hard wooden bench, close to tears. I love adventures, and it had all sounded so appealing. You know, start a totally new life in a new town, with humble beginnings, and build up this huge Dynasty. I looked at the stars, who seemed strangely blurry. I had totally underestimated the word ‘humble’. I knew my home wouldn’t be anything like my parent’s house, of course I knew that. But to get to a new town and to find out that all you have is an enormous plot of land…well, that was a different matter!

Here I was, Daniel Legas, just turned a Young Adult, sleeping on a park bench with nothing for food all day but some cheap lettuce… I had a job as a musician, at least that was something I suppose, and I had one book finished, but still not enough to buy furniture or proper food! Before I grew old and Grim came for me I had to have a wife and an heir, otherwise my Legacy Challenge would die with me!

Just when I started to feel really sorry for myself I saw someone coming into the park. I sat up from my short nap, and greeted the girl. She was very nice, so we chatted for a bit, her voice excited and she laughed at all my jokes. It seemed so unreal at that time, I never even checked her name. She had glasses and her hair up in a bun, that is all I remembered. When she left I went back to my bench, exhausted from the emotions and hard work of today.

By the time I drifted off to sleep the Girl with the Glasses seemed to just be part of the whole wild dream, part of the challenge and not reality at all. Reality was my stomach as empty as my bank account, and the hard wooden bench in a strange park in the centre of an unknown town surrounded by rivers and green fields. That night my dream involved Master Kraken’s thoroughly unpleasant face and the excited laugh of a pretty girl.