

Victoria watches her sister in law from the corner of her eye. It is only when her muscles start to tremble that she realises that doing a bendy dog whatever, and staring, eavesdropping, at  the same time is not what yoga was made for. She straightens up, and does another move, who knows what it’s called. She is not into yoga at all, but needs to stay fit and trim, healthy…

She breathes out, more a sigh than a breath, and leans over, to hide her tears, hoping they won’t actually let go of her eyelashes and drop onto the mat. “How sad my life has become,” she sniffs, “when did that happen?” Then she takes another breath, and speaks to herself in a totally different voice, “Come on Victoria, what is going on? Having your surname changed isn’t the same as having a total personality makeover, old girl! You know you’re fine, you love Chris…mostly…well when he is in one of his rare happy moods anyway. Oh dear, here we go, right, try that one again: you love Chris, you get on really well with your kind cousin, you get on pretty well with your cousin’s wife Tabitha, the inlaws are ok, ehm, well, come on woman, keep counting your blessings!”

She sighs, this really isn’t working at the moment. It should though, she is normally such an optimist. Getting married, moving in, they are big events, and then that awful disease, Llama Flu, that hit cousin Richard…she shudders, and can still feel the stress, the fear, right deep inside her. She thinks back to those days, straight after their double wedding, and can still picture Tabitha’s face, eyes, staring, fear vibrating off her in huge waves. She was so scared herself as well. She has always been very fond of strong cousin Richard, and moving into this household didn’t seem such a massive deal with him under the same roof. The idea of him so ill, and possibly dying, scared her witless, as by then she was starting to get tiny inklings of the support she might need and want.

The first tiny ripples in her Pond of bliss came during the Wedding Event itself, and were totally unexpected. She was feeling regal and beautiful in her white wedding gown, Chris looked smashing in his tux, smile in place as it had been all during their courtship, engagement and still was now in the wedding. The change in his face came when they discussed having a family. She thought it was a nice intimate thing to chat about, you know, test the waters a bit, try and get onto the same page if possible.

She was not prepared for the dramatic shift in his mood though. “Kids?” he had growled, yes, growled! His voice sounded weird and angry and…scary! “What do you want to talk about kids for? We’re not even married, are we? Can’t I just enjoy you for a while, you know, just me and you, without having little kids crawling all over the place? Do you know how much energy and time they suck up? How can I concentrate on my calling with demanding kids around?”

He had stormed off, leaving her standing near the arch, too shocked to speak, too bewildered to move! Was this Chris? The same guy she had spent all that time with, the happy, smiley, charming guy? She had gone inside, trying to look busy and involved, smiling at the others, hoping that they hadn’t registered Chris’ absence. He had been back after half an hour, charming as ever, smiling at her, as if nothing had happened. She struggled, couldn’t change faces that quickly! He had been annoyed, she remembered, and had actually rolled his eyes at her!

“I’m here now, and talking to you, aren’t I?” he had sighed like a martyr, “I know you’re trying to make me feel guilty, and you probably feel I should be grovelling before you, begging your acceptance or whatever. Well, I won’t. I think it’s dreadful the way you try to manipulate me into apologies!”

She could feel her face going hot, even now, thinking back about the incident. “I should have known,” she mumbles whilst stretching the other way, “I should have run a mile then and there! I didn’t, I was sure it was just nerves.” It soon became clear that nerves were nothing to do with it, for as soon as they were securely married, he changed. In fact, Victoria hardly recognised him most of the time. When she mentioned it to her Mum, she had just smiled at her.

“Most men change once they are married, dear. There is nothing to worry about, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s probably nervous as well, and with cousin Richard so desperately ill, well, no wonder Chris is a bit unsettled!”

Victoria had felt very alone, sure that it wasn’t just the normal change in a man after he has gotten married. She felt the change was too monumental for that, it was like a totally different man altogether. They way he glowered from morning till night, and sneered when she talked to him, dismissing anything she said offhand. Also, she felt sick and tired of his victim stance after just a few weeks. “Honestly, if he mentions Injustice or Restoring a Great Wrong one more time, I might just scream! It’s amazing how he manages to bring it up so many times a day! He is just obsessed with the whole idea of bringing justice for this ancestor, for restoring whatever went wrong. All it means is that one guy didn’t see his children take over the house. Not particularly a massive deal with this house if you ask me!”

After a while the constant moans and groans from Chris were starting to get to Victoria, something she would never have thought possible. He is so paranoid, she whispers whilst trying to get herself into a triangle shape. No wonder I’m getting paranoid too! Where has the real Victoria gone? She walks off quickly, and pretends to go to the gold bathroom. She washes her face, spending as much time as possible in the bathroom, whilst trying to find her smile back. “I mustn’t give in,” she whispers sternly to the pale face staring back at her in the mirror, “I really mustn’t give in. Or give up hope for that matter. I’m sure he’ll change back sometime, I’m sure I can help him, after all, without children he won’t be able to undo the whole ancestor thing, will he? He needs children, I just wished he wouldn’t be so hateful all the time…”

Watching Tabitha and Richard have their sweet daughter Eva had made things worse. As soon as Eva was born and started to get too big for the bassinet she had mentioned having a family again to Chris. He had exploded with rage, leaving her in tears. When he had calmed down enough to stop yelling he had justified his aversion against children. “Can’t you see how Tabitha dotes on that child? Can’t you see how she smiles at her, hugs her, and only has eyes for the girl? What about Richard? What husband wants to share his wife? I don’t want you to look at another person like that. I want you to only look at me in that way!”

After that he had become more and more suspicious. “Why are you so keen to have a family?” he had asked. “Have you got plans or something? Have a handful of kids, and then rush back to your fancy mansion, taking my children with you? Is it that I’m not good enough for you? Do you need children to make you feel better?”

Victoria had tried to placate him, making it worse. “Of course not, Chris, I love you, you know that? I really didn’t mind giving up the Knight house for you, I’d follow you anywhere, to any sort of house!”

That had not gone down well, she still grimaces thinking about the storm that had broken over her head at those words. Chris in tears, sobbing that nobody loved him, that he was never accepted for who he was, that even Victoria now said that his house wasn’t good enough for her and that she only lived here out of duty, sacrificing everything for Chris. Didn’t she know how that made him feel, why was she so hateful, manipulating him, forcing him to spend more and more hours at the office in order to earn a high enough salary to satisfy Victoria’s demands?

She stands on the pink yoga mat, and can still feel the shakes, and the cringing feeling in her stomach. What could she say to that? He hasn’t said very much about it since then. She has seen his mood deteriorating though, especially since Theodore was born a few weeks after the incident. Victoria daren’t bring the subject of children up again. She knows with the bassinet filled up, she won’t be able to have a child anyway. What is the good of setting Chris off again?

She struggles through the next few moves, watching Tabitha, feeling despair licking at the edges of her heart. Tabitha, about to have another sweet baby, smiling, and obviously on top of life, enjoying time with Richard and their beautiful children. A third child! “It is so unfair,” she groans, “so unfair, I could just cry for weeks. Why should they have three, and I can’t even have one? Not by choice either, at least not my choice! I can see them looking at me, wondering why we haven’t asked for the bassinet before. I have to smile at them, pretend life is hunky-dory, and our marriage is wonderful and living in this house is like…like living in a bed of roses. I miss my mansion, I miss my family, the beautiful carpets, the bubble blower, friends popping in and out. All I have is a miserable husband, too grumpy for words, sour and bitter, only concerned with his Destiny, mumbling about justice, never once thinking of anybody else…”

“I am desperate, Lord, I am so desperate to just have a child. I have three traits already, what if times runs out? Lord, please, change something, anything! Change Chris, change me, change whatever is needed, but please God, just give me this one child. I just need something to hold, something warm, something that belongs to me. I need someone to love, unconditionally. I am just so alone, and so unhappy! The worst part is that everybody expects me to smile and be upbeat. I can’t take it anymore, Lord, please help me!”

Victoria wants to trust, to be accepting, even accepting Chris and his bizarre moods and anger issues, but it’s getting harder and harder. She just busies herself with her yoga, hoping it will keep her in shape, keeping her strong enough to carry a little one, even when she will have all her traits if it comes to that! They all are busy with their hobbies most days, and Richard just loves his piano. The sad truth is, Chris loves the piano, he loves the kitchen, and he has chosen writing, because he loves it… The fact is that Chris tends to love whatever somebody else likes, especially when he can’t have it! He chose to be a writer, explaining that it was part of his Destiny, his Quest for Justice, that he would need to let the whole of Sim World know how he was going to rectify the Grave Injustice done to his ancestor. So Tabitha decided to do the cooking hobby.

“Well, I will need the kitchen a lot as the table is large, and I don’t think it will be a good idea for you to work in the kitchen when I’m trying to concentrate.” He had protested that Tabitha would squash his Gift, and that of course, she wouldn’t understand how important his lifework was, that nobody understood him, least of all his family! He had sulked and moped about for a week or so, until Victoria had chosen the yoga hobby. That had really set him off, exclaiming that he could not cope with being shamed by his wife. He wondered what he had done in his life that made people hate him so much, that all he got from everybody was contempt, and everyone was out to block him on his mission.

Victoria had sighed, then dressed her face in her widest smile, and moved the mat as near the kitchen as she could. She had explained that she had to take up a hobby, and that having a fit, trim, healthy wife would surely be an asset on his Quest. He had grumbled at that, eyeing her suspiciously, studying her bright smile to see if he could spot scorn anywhere. By now, however, Victoria could blank out any hateful or spiteful or disgusted feelings for this man, with a perfection that stunned even herself! He didn’t spot anything, so the grumbling went back down to the normal, daily rumblings, and normality as Victoria had come to know it was restored.

That is, until Richard chose the Piano hobby…! Chris had ranted and raved for ages, furious with Richard for taking up such a creative hobby. “You need a genius to play the piano well, everybody knows that. It should be part of my calling, my destiny, to play the piano. How can I write and put my thoughts into words for the whole world to benefit when someone who didn’t even carry over his Good Upbringing trait is banging away, pretending to be a playful plunker! Right next to my desk too, I can’t even hear my own thoughts or inspiration, and I know he just did it to mock me. He has never liked me, and always tried to belittle my existence in this house, and now he is doing his best to destroy me completely!”

Victoria sighs, she is aware of how much the other do despise Chris. He brought it on himself though, as none of them started out that way. In fact, most of them feel quite sorry for him, the only child of a rather obsessive mother and old father, he didn’t have an easy life as a child. On top of that, his Mum filled his head with talk of his destiny, and how he had to restore justice for his ancestor Chris, and how he was set apart to do great things. No wonder he is odd, and hard to live with… That is no excuse for his obnoxious behaviour though.

“It might be a reason, but not an excuse,” Tabitha had said one evening, Victoria, stretching just outside the kitchen window, heard Tabitha and Richard discuss Chris. “I know he had a tough time, but so do lots of other people. Doesn’t mean to say you can do what you want, and get away with it. I do feel sorry for Victoria, I wonder what…” Her voice had disappeared then, as the two of them had left the kitchen, leaving Victoria to mull over their words. Well, she wonders too, wonders where her sanity can be found again! She twists, bends, stretches…and prays…with all the frantic longings of her heart, “Please Lord, one child, just one child…”






Tabitha is standing in the foyer, envelope in hand. Her face feels flushed already, her hands are shaking, and that is even before she has opened the envelope! She recognises the type of envelope though; they are the type that normally contain invites. Party invites from friends, wedding parties, food parties, studio parties…sometimes birthday parties. Times with friends, times to socialize, opportunities to meet and greet. Most of all, chances to meet up with promised spouses.

“Is this it, then?” she whispers, “Will this be the time when I will meet Richard Knight? Will he have been invited too? Will we both get in before the party is full? Or before Sims Mobile Government in their unerring wisdom cancels the party…!” She turns the invite round in her hands, hardly daring to open it. This is going to be the day where life as she knows it will end. She will no longer be just Tabitha Mortina, she will be Tabitha Mortina, Richard’s girlfriend…then his fiancée, then his wife…

She swallows hard, “Am I ready for this? Can I actually do this? Lord, I’m scared, I can’t do this alone, it’s too uncertain, I’m too unsure of myself and who I am. I need to trust You, I know, but can I, even in this…? This is big, but I suppose in the grand scale of life it’s minuscule, and You are beyond it all, so is this small matter safe in Your Hands?”

She sighs, yes, her head knows it is, she knows she should trust, but to actually do it is not as easy as it sounds! She turns half towards the lounge to open the letter when she notices Chris. He is leaning against the doorpost, sneering. “Don’t tell me you’ve got the religion bug as well?” he says, his voice grating and nasty sounding, “I thought it was just my mum affected by it…Nobody is going to help with you getting married, you know, it’s all up to you. As it’s not that big a deal, you won’t need the help either, which I suppose is the good news in all this!”

He saunters off, his unpleasant laugh lingering in the silent foyer. Tabitha stands still, feeling dejected, hurt, angry…and more scared than ever! “Trust”, she mumbles, “come on Tabitha, just Trust, how hard can it be?” She takes determined, deliberate steps towards the lounge, ready to open the envelope.

It is an invite, of course. It’s a food party, thrown by Sierra Chisholm. That doesn’t fill Tabitha with courage at all. She imagines attending a party, where Sierra is the one to welcome you, and introduce you to the guests. Her hearts starts beating overtime again, this whole marriage thing really is more scary than she imagined! Just the initial meeting up is fraught with difficulties, let alone the courtship itself! She checks the date, the time, wondering if she really, really needs to attend, or whether there is another way of meeting Richard Knight, some quiet, private way, out of the public eye, and even better, out of Sierra’s eye…

She knows there is no way out, even though she might not be able to go to the entire party, as she will be at work. Chris will be at work as well, which means that both of them will turn up in their work clothes. Great. Knowing Sierra, she will look like a queen, and she will feel like Cinderella before the Fairy Godmother got to work… Tabitha sighs, sticks the invite on the fridge, and gets ready for work, her mind preoccupied, her hands still shaking a little…

Tabitha keeps her eyes on the clock. Tonight is he night of the party! She is so nervous, many of the photo shoots have to be redone, her hands are shaking, her legs slower than she thought possible. She keeps touching her hair, rubbing her hands dry on her simple skirt. Two more clients…one more…it’s a retake though, as something goes wrong with the camera, and polaroid photos keep flying at the client, without Tabitha being able to stop them…

It is time! She takes a deep breath, legs unsure of which way to move, hands cold and damp, and there is Sierra’s house. Sierra’s mansion, she corrects herself, the place is absolutely stunning. So is Sierra, greeting her, eyeing her simple clothes… “Well, you’re in luck,” she says, making it sound like the opposite, “one of the sticker options is ‘casual’ so you’ll add quite a few to your collection, no doubt…” she smiles, but it’s a smile that makes a girl feel anything but warm!

Tabitha goes inside, wanders round from room to room, meeting up some very kind people, singing in one room, watching the cake in another, and slowly feels herself relaxing. She spots Chris at one point, off in another room, looking grumpy and out of place in the happy crowd. Then everything changes, it seems even birds stop singing, and she feels as if everyone in the party is holding their breath…

Some young people in superhero suits have walked in. A slender girl with beautiful hair and smart glasses, and a very kind smile walks into the room where Chris is. “Hello, you must be Chris, I hardly recognised you with your hair like that. It suits you!” Tabitha hears her clear, crisp voice, not a high voice, but sweet and melodical, reminding her of the sound of a flute.

Then she forgets about the girl, as she sees the next guest arrive. It is a strong, muscly young man, also in a green superhero suit, his handsome face pleasant, eyes bright and understanding. Richard Knight! Her betrothed is here! Tabitha feels her legs staring to shake again, her feet glued to the floor, her breath coming in small gasps. Her Richard is here, now the courtship will officially begin. He walks straight up to her, his face smiling, eyes alight.

“Hello,” squeaks Tabitha, “Hi, Mr Handsome…!” The flirty introduction is made, the course is set. Now it is just a matter of time before she will be wearing a white dress, facing him in a tux…

The evening passes in a whirl of emotions. Tabitha can’t remember any of the conversations; some weren’t worth remembering, she is sure of that. Richard is gallant and kind and a great listener, and Tabitha feels herself relaxing as the evening carries on. Every now and then she catches a glimpse of Chris, although each time she spots him, she actually has to look twice, he looks so different! Gone is the scowl and permanent frown, his eyes are smiling, and even his mouth is definitely curving upwards…Who’d have thought it possible!?

The party is over before she knows it, and it all seems like a strange dream, sweet, but gone, like the Cinderella story, she thinks to herself, when she wakes up in her large bed. Reality soon knocks on the door, though, as both she and Chris begin the day with meeting up their betrothed spouses. The conversation is rather awkward at first, and a bit shallow, like discussing holiday plans at the little table, or cooking her favourite dessert.

Soon the courtship gets more involved though, their first kiss, almost inappropriate touching, a squeeze, whispering sweet nothings… Tabitha finds herself enjoying the courtship, revelling in Richard’s attention. He is such a handsome man, she thinks, I feel totally unworthy of him! He is so kind and sweet, and although he didn’t appreciate my poetry reading, he has been very good about it. She must admit, the poem she had picked wasn’t the best “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Dream…” isn’t the most manly of poems, but then, it was the first one Google presented to her on her phone…She started reading it off the device before she really noticed what it said. Richard noticed all right, and quickly stopped her! Saving her the embarrassment, no doubt…!

The time flies by, and before she even manages to catch her breath, she gets the official Government notice: She is now Richard Knight’s Fiancée… wow, she gasps as she reads the notice, this is so amazing, it’s like living a dream, I just love him already! All my worries on that score are definitely ungrounded. He is the most wonderful young man in Sims Mobile, I’m sure, and I feel richly blessed…!

The courtship is a wonderful time, one that she will always treasure in her heart. She enjoys the cups of tea, the snuggles on the sofa, and the slow dances together. Chris seems to be having a great time as well, and Tabitha finds herself breathing a prayer for him, “Please, Lord, let Victoria be the one to bring him healing and happiness…let her be the one to soften his heart, to make him see the world in a kinder light…”

Then, before Tabitha even realises their relationship had deepened to such a level, they are wearing the Government issued wedding apparel. Her dress is lovely, and Richard looks even more handsome in his wedding suit than he did in his superhero one! She can’t take her eyes off him, hugging him, whispering, imagining the big day, enjoying the flowers… It will be a long wait till the end of the wedding day, and then, soon after that, Richard will move in, they will be husband and wife! Tabitha is beyond grateful and excited, her heart is about to burst with happiness, and her jaws are aching already from smiling the biggest grin ever, like the Cheshire Cat, wondering vaguely how long she’ll manage to carry on grinning without needing corrective surgery…Life is good, oh yes, life is great, from top of her mountain anyway!




Tabitha is standing in the large bedroom, trying to decide where to pack her personal belongings. How strange to be standing here, she thinks, looking at the blue bedspread, the large white wardrobe, this just feels strange. Only a short while ago she was counted as a child, sleeping in the nursery, the children’s’ room. Now she is an adult, counted as an adult, and given an adult’s position. She looks at the double bed again, and something shivers inside her. She gets nervous, looking at that bed…

She resolutely turns her back on the bed, and starts to put her clothes into the wardrobe. She is humming to herself, she is so excited about it all. She really thought the Promoting would never happen, and she is quite sure that if it had been up to Aunt Guinevere, it probably never would have happened. She feels guilty straightaway, even looks over her shoulder, as if anyone in the room could read her thoughts! They were a bit unfair, she admits, after all, Aunt Guinevere is perfectly at peace with the whole thing now. The grey actually becomes her, and the autumnal colours of her outfit suit her.

Soon Tabitha is installed, as she calls it. She looks round once more, checking things, looking at things, but not so much at the bed. She knows she is being silly, but she is feeling a little wobbly mass in her stomach when she thinks of her betrothed, the man promised to her in marriage, her beloved Richard. Well, beloved, she doesn’t really know him, but his name does make her heart speed up a notch! Whenever she gets ne of his regular letters, her heart does overtime! She is very, very excited about the whole arrangement.

Tabitha knows it will be a little while though, first they need to receive their shared party invite, then at the party they need to actually meet up and connect. Then there is the long and complex courtship, after which follows the proposal Event. That is something she is really looking forward to it just sounds so romantic! It makes her feel special just thinking about Richard Knight, proposing to her, Tabitha. She knows he is a very kind, charming young man, very considerate, which makes her look forward to the proposal even more!

After that, there is the very long and rather tedious wedding ceremony. Tedious, because you are limited in what you can wear, and what you can say and do. All that is regulated and ordained by Sims Mobile Government , who clearly don’t take a girl’s feelings into consideration! Tabitha is standing in front of the tall mirror now, twirling this way and that. “Will this dress suit Madam?” she askes, in a very affectatious voice. “I’m afraid we only have white this week, and blue tux for the young man,” continues the posh voice. Tabitha stops and sighs, feeling a bit down all of a sudden.

“What if they really gave us awful clothes, and we’d be stuck with them for the entire ceremony!” she groans out loud. A brusque voice answers her question from behind her back.

“Well, then you’d just have to get married with your eyes shut, I suppose.” Chris, her cousin, is standing behind her, his usual scowl firmly in place. “Who cares about the wedding ceremony or dress code or flowers? It’s the deed that matters, just a tick box exercise, dearest cousin!” he sneers, and stalks off again.

Tabitha slumps down on the bed with a sigh of relief. Chris unnerves her, the way he suddenly pops up, and always pokes his nose into things, answering rhetorical questions with his dour outlook on life. They should get him a job as undertaker, she mutters, her scowl matching his, and maybe even outscowling him! Really, the way he suddenly appears, it’s going to drive me mad! What if he comes in…her thoughts trail off, Tabitha bites her lip, and runs her hand absentmindedly over the bedspread.

Then she shakes her head, and laughs at her own worries. “Even Chris wouldn’t do that! He will probably hover nearby, but even Chris won’t be in this room on my wedding night!” She is worried about that night, nervous, excited!

Tabitha walks out of the room, passes Chris who is still nearby, of course, and gets the post in. Both of them have a letter from the Job Office, so she hands Chris his letter, and opens hers. She applied for Photographer, preferably the ASOS one, and really hopes she’ll get it. It will be so interesting and, she smiles secretly, also very convenient with Dr Knight just across the Square…

She quickly scan the letter…mmm…accepted…mmm…start on receipt of letter…oh. Not the ASOS Photographer after all, well, that is disappointing! At least she will still be a photographer. Tabitha is over the slight twitch of disappointment before the letter is back in the envelope. She can’t wait to begin her career! It will be so exciting, and the Luxury Event is almost finished, so very soon she will be able to just concentrate on her career. Brilliant!

She meets Chris, again, on her way to get ready for work. He looks just a little less grumpy, which means that he must have gotten the position he wanted as well! She asks him, not wanting to be cold towards him all the time. “Did you get your position? You applied for the office job, didn’t you? Working Downtown is quite cool, and I suppose it will make it convenient for you and Victoria to share transport!”

He grunts a bit and answers quite civil for a change, “Yes, I got the position. Of course, they could always change it I suppose. Also, that office is quite dark, and I’m sure they have lighting that can cause migraines, so I might have to apply somewhere else anyway. It said in the letter that Harry Something is still the overall manager, and he is absolutely ancient. I can’t stand most elderly co-workers, they just nag you all day, and he’ll probably pick on me because of my eyebrows.”

Tabitha just stops herself from rolling her eyes. Seriously, her cousin is worse than Eeyore, honestly, a manager picking on you just because you have slightly bushy eyebrows? As they have only just received shared responsibility of the house she decides to be extra nice to him. “I’m sure he won’t even notice your eyebrows, so you’ll be fine on that score,” she says as lightly and as upbeat as possible in front of a sourpuss like Chris.

He looks worried straight away, “What do you mean, he won’t notice my eyebrows? Why ever would he not notice them? I dislike the way you wind me up whenever you can. I makes me feel very undermined and insecure!”

This time Tabitha does roll her eyes and sigh. “That isn’t what I meant, Chris. I meant that your eyebrows are absolutely fine, and I am quite sure that the manager will not pick on you on account of your eyebrows…or for any other reason,” she adds hurriedly, seeing Chris’ frown deepening with each word. “Anyway, I have to go, my first shift starts, and I want to be on time.”

That brings the conversation to a very hurried end, as Chris most definitely doesn’t want to be late! Tabitha wonders what life with her cousin will be like, hoping they both will get married very soon. At least that will give them separate lives, and she won’t feel like Chris is watching her every move…




Drifting. That is what it is. Drifting apart, drifting away from everyone. Guinevere is sad, and discouraged and whatever she does seems to make matters worse. Yes, she can be busy with her job, and she still loves her job.

“The problem is, when I’m feeling down, even my job can be hard, and Sebastian is so critical of my job. I know he is, even though he doesn’t say it very clearly, but I can tell. Now I find myself looking around the club, looking at the people that come, and it’s really hard to totally disagree with him. I mean, it is noisy, and it is crowded, and my get up is maybe not really designed for people with all their traits. But I love it!”

Genevieve can’t remember seeing her little sister so sad! She had such a shock when they met up. Genevieve moved out when Lancelot and Guinevere and their spouses took over, and although she has seen Guinevere a bit, definitely not enough! The change is shocking though, and Guinevere is looking so sad and depressed. She is also a little bit obsessed, decides Genevieve. She has heard the whole spiel about Chris and ancestor Chris, and the line that died out, and how it will be Chris’ destiny to revive that line…very odd, and a bit out of the blue, to be honest!

Genevieve looks at her younger sister, and gives her a hug. “You poor thing, it sounds as if you and Sebastian have been too busy lately! You guys need to spend some quality time together, you know, get out for a bit!”

Guinevere rolls her eyes (When did that start?!) and laughs, but not a very amused one. “Get out? You must be joking, have you seen Sebastian’s workload? He struggles to get out briefly for the Luxury Event, and that’s it! Even then he grumbles, and he hardly ever will agree to take the Leisure one, as it takes six hours… No, I can’t imagine him going on a holiday!”

Genevieve and Guinevere actually get the whole morning together, and Guinevere blossoms during that time. Her eyes sparkle again, and she actually seems to like the granny annexe, which is now for Sebastian and her, since Christie and Joash got their moving papers. Genevieve loves the Annexe, she loves the warm colours, the fact that it’s a bit separate, and there is of course the gold bathroom…

Guinevere agrees, “Yes, I like the colours as well, we still need to change some things round, of course, and we’re almost able to buy a new plot of land. Did you realise land was that expensive here? It must be because it is so near the seaside… I wish we could get enough money together to get right down to the beach! I can’t see that happening in our generation though, maybe darling Chris will manage?”

Genevieve quickly moves the subject before Guinevere will go off on one again about the Line, and ‘injustice’ and all sorts… “Are you sure Sebastian wouldn’t even take a day off to take you and Chris somewhere nice? You both like history, what about some historical site?”

Guinevere sits up with a shock, and grabs Genevieve’s arm. “Yes, of course, oh, clever you! Yes, Sebastian has gone on about the Romans for ages! We could take a day to see a Roman site, they are always in the most incredible places, so it would be stunning at this time of year! Great, let me see…!” and Guinevere dashes off, and comes back with some leaflets.

Together the two sister look through the materials, and in the end decide that really the best place would be Chedworth Villa. The site isn’t very big, you would need to go to Cirencester if you want to see stacks of Roman stuff, but Chedworth is the actual site of a Roman Villa, with some mosaic floors still there, and work being done to restore them as well. There is bound to be things to do for kids as well, although the amazing Chris… Genevieve interrupts Guinevere’s thoughts before she goes down that track again!

That evening, when Sebastian asks how her morning with her sister Genevieve went, Guinevere explained about the interesting Roman site they talked about. Sebastian listens at that point, of course! “I wondered if we should drive out one morning, just for a day. It would be so interesting, and if we go soon, the trees will still be covered in blossom, it will be stunning!” says Guinevere, hardly daring to breath… She so badly wants this day out, they desperately need to reconnect as a family!

She needn’t have worried, for Sebastian agrees straight away! “As you got your last Trait this morning, how about we take a day off as a family, and just spend some time together?” he asks, not realising that poor Guinevere had been holding her breath all that time!

Guinevere is so relieved, and Chris is looking forward to the trip as well. He really is a lovely lad, not half as obsessed as him mum, fortunately! So preparations are made, and a date is set.

The day of their trip is gorgeous. The evening before it was tipping it down, but the morning looks all fresh and clean, full of promises and sweet smells. They set off in their car, and are soon on the Fosseway, an old Roman road, that was later used for the extensive wool industry as well. Soon the turnoff looms up, and they leave the main road to dive into this tiny lane.

“Dad? Are you sure this is actually a road?” chirps Chris from the back, looking very anxious, as he looks up and down the tiny lane, which is like a very narrow green tunnel, finished off neatly with Cows Parsley.

Sebastian laughs, his wonderful kind laugh again, and explains, “Yes, I know it’s very narrow, it’s called a single track road. You shouldn’t really drive too fast, but as you can see just there, every few yards is a passing place. It’s quite early in the morning, so I’m not actually expecting much traffic!”

Guinevere smiles. This is just so wonderful! The scenery is amazing, even better than she thought! The different shades of green, a bright yellow rapeseed field, a dark brown, rough square of newly ploughed earth…she doesn’t even know where to look fist!

“This is so very, very beautiful!” she sighs in the end. “No wonder the Roman built their houses here, it’s amazing!”

The site of Chedworth Villa itself is in a beautiful location. There isn’t very much left, and a mock Tudor house is actually built in the courtyard. Of course, when they built it, they didn’t know there was all the Roman stuff underneath! They look round the various buildings. One of the better kept ones is the public toilets! Chris is tickled that they went to the loo together, and explains that if he was a Roman he would make sure he would only go to the toilet at  weird times, when nobody else went!

Chris gets to dress up, Sebastian reads all the labels on everything, Guinevere and Chris look at the artist’s pictures everywhere that explain what everything is, and what it probably looked like. Before they know it the afternoon is half gone, and it’s time to drive back. Guinevere is a bit quieter on the way home, she is drinking in all the beauty, full of wonder and gratitude and awe at the greatness of the Ultimate Artist, who makes everything unique. She is feeling so much lighter, and bouncier and ready to accept the day again! Oh, she knows nothing really has changed in the circumstances, but she feels ready to cope with them again.

At home, Sebastian and Guinevere decide that it is really much wiser to move into the Annexe, and just the one trip out together has opened so many doors again. It has revitalised their lives together, and made them realise again how special their bond is, and how precious family is. It also showed them that really in the grand scheme of things a generation is so puny! “I can’t believe that we looked at mosaics that have been there for nearly two thousand years! How incredible is that! And nobody knows what family lived there, who built the house with the fifty rooms, who they were, what they were…Incredible!”

They both enjoy sitting on the warm coloured sofa, looking at the pictures of their family day out, and they smile at each other, and it’s a smile of contentment. Never mind what tomorrow will bring, after all, Chris is just a child, and well, one day at a time just seems to work for now!